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Life doesn't always go as planned, and for many students, completing high school on time can feel like an impossible challenge. But the good news is that it’s never too late to finish your diploma, even if you’ve fallen behind. WonderED Wrap-Up is designed specifically for students like you—those who need to make up lost credits and get back on track for graduation.

WonderEd Wrap-Up gives you a clear path to graduation:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Complete your work anytime, anywhere. You’re not bound to a traditional classroom schedule. Don’t have to go to class every day at a place or time

  • Focused Learning: Focus only on what you NEED to learn

  • Support from Teachers: Just because you’re learning online doesn’t mean you’re alone. Our WonderED Learning Advisors guide you along the way.

  • Self-Paced Courses: Go at your own speed. Whether you want to finish quickly or need more time to grasp the content, you set the pace.

  • NO Required Testing: Not a great test-taker? With WonderED Wrap-Up, typical mandated testing is NOT required!

  • Fees: Most state/ESA scholarships will cover ALL COSTS. $1500 per credit. ESAs accepted. $7500 for 5 or more credits

  • Timing: No need to wait for the next school year to start – YOU CAN START RIGHT NOW AND GRADUATE EVEN EARLIER!

Ideal for students who:

  • Missed or failed classes due to personal reasons, illness, or other life circumstances.

  • Need to get past testing requirements in certain subjects to meet graduation requirements.

  • Fell behind and want to graduate on time.

  • Are adults looking to complete their high school diploma after some time away from school.

Complete your studies with WonderED Wrap-Up! 

(minimum of 6 credits to receive a diploma). 

Considering a GED? Think about WonderED Wrap-Up instead!

The choice comes down to this:  credibility, suitability, and the options it opens up in college, trade schools, or with employers.


WonderED K-12 Academy es una escuela privada, sin fines de lucro 501(c3), acreditada mundialmente y que atiende a estudiantes de todo el mundo.

U.S. IRS Tax ID 82-2780135

Florida DOE School Code 9366

Oficina central:

6014 US 19N, Suite 106

Nuevo puerto Richey FL 34652

Teléfono: 727-900-5186

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Tenga en cuenta: Un estudiante con discapacidad ubicado por sus padres en una escuela privada no tiene derecho individual a recibir parte o la totalidad de la educación especial y los servicios relacionados que recibiría si estuviera inscrito en una escuela pública según la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA). WonderED K-12 Academy no proporciona servicios de IEP, sin embargo, trabajará con cada familia para desarrollar un plan educativo personalizado y ayudar a conectarse con servicios externos según sea necesario.

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© 2024 Academia WonderED K-12

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