Los consejeros escolares quieren que sus estudiantes prosperen. WonderED también lo desea.
It can be frustrating if some of your kids can't thrive in your school. But sometimes certain kids have a diversity of needs that your school can't meet. Is there a place for them where they can succeed?
You can make a huge impact on these students' lives by letting them know about WonderED Academy - and we have proof. Scroll to read the review that was recently posted by one of our students on Niche.com, a leading school review website.
What types of students could you refer to WonderED K-12 Academy?
Students who want a more engaging, dynamic, and interesting way of learning
Students who want to have a fast track to graduation
Students with a diversity of needs
Students who want more skills in addition to academics
Students who are constrained or limited by traditional education
Students who want a voice and choice in how, when, and what they learn
Students, such as those from military families that may need to move or travel often, and do not want serial interruptions in their learning
Gifted and talented students who might not have access to a program for their needs.
Students who are dealing with bullying or school violence, and your district does not have an online program for them.
Students who are challenged by meeting their state requirement for passing graduation tests (required by 8 states in the US)
** Due to our current staffing, we are limited in the number and type of students with disabilities we can accept. We are unable to serve students who require constant one-on-one supervision. We evaluate each student with mild or moderate disabilities on a case-by-case basis to ensure we can provide the education they need. If we are unable to accept them, we will recommend the type of educational model they deserve.
Cómo un consejero escolar cambió la vida de este estudiante al recomendarlo a WonderED K-12 Academy.
"Como estudiante de un hogar de bajos ingresos, la escuela siempre habÃa sido un desafÃo, especialmente porque tuve que equilibrar la escuela y el trabajo desde los 14 años para ayudar a mantener a mi madre soltera. A mediados del tercer año en mi antigua escuela secundaria, estaba agotada, no podÃa cumplir con las obligaciones de mis trabajos, clubes, deportes, clases AP y proyectos de servicio comunitario al mismo tiempo y eso afectó mi salud fÃsica y mental. Sin embargo, como si lo hubiera enviado un ángel del cielo, mi consejero me sugirió una escuela en lÃnea que ayudaba a estudiantes como yo y pude comenzar el proceso de transferencia esa misma noche. En cuestión de dÃas me transfirieron a Dream (WonderED) Academy y, no hace falta decirlo, fue la mejor decisión de mi vida. Pude terminar la escuela a mi propio ritmo, lo que significa que podÃa estudiar entre los descansos y después de mis turnos de trabajo, lo que cambió por completo la forma en que aprendà y me desempeñé en la escuela. Cambió mi vida, y solo para mejor".
-Reseña de Niche.com
Estudiante actual
Credencial de carrera